
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Egypt Religious Weekness

Literacy rate of around 50%.
Religiously illiterates and highly influenced by religious leaders. (Follow the leader that suits your intentions)
Majority are uncivilized and culturally low people.

A country like this is the easiest to manipulate through the religious motivation to put your deadly intentions into action.

In a religion oriented country, like Egypt, if you advise an ignorant, that is simply leading a life just to please God (claimed), to do 1, 2, 3.. to please God and avoid 4, 5, 6 to avoid God's wrath, he would naively believe you. Yet, no one does anything unless there would be a guaranteed benefit or positively perceived outcome. i.e. materialistic benefit or value that the victim/ convict would do anything to have. Once you arrive at this satisfactory equation, you rule. Your motivations shall be double faced coin. One face of the spiritual (religious) benefit and, the other is the materialistic - REAL Goal and benefit - of the whole action.

That is why, whenever you want to cause turbulence within Egyptian people, just go religious. No wonder how recently Egypt has been hammered with religious fanatic actions in a way that astonishes us all.

But before we believe whoever speaks, we shall know some rules:

1- Keep in mind that, No one is perfect yet, we all shall exert efforts.
2- No one is a God or an Angle, and you would never be one.
3-You are not the only one and he is not the only one either. Expect and accept diversity.
4- If your God is that Holy, act accordingly to show it.
5- Keep religious practices towards God. No one needs to know about your faithfulness to God except God Himself.
6- Enjoy the togetherness in the midst of diversities and similarities.
7- Highlight common grounds so you can live and share.
8- If you do not know, it is your responsibility to know.
9- You got to open your book and read to know and understand. Do not wait for someone's help.
10- Be responsible and have a reason(s) for every emotion, thought and action.

So, it is clear why the country is left without such social awareness and education within ignorant communities. But though, most of the education is about how a particular community is overvalued versus another. Like any other form of racism, this is the backdoor where any trouble could be planned and operated through it. The Religious diversity.

God bless Egypt,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Teaching Religion At School!!!

                Religious belief, has been a key cause of many conflicts arising between different nations and the separation among members of the one nation as well. That is not necessary the fault of a religion or other. But it is the very fault of how religious believes are applied to real life, unless the religious system (religion) dictates such behaviors and attitudes. Usually there is a gap between what the religion dictates and how religious leaders direct their public followers. This is what we may come across in our daily life, from religiously driven actions that humiliate our humanity.

Every one of us has been mentally-abused by the kind teaching we used to be exposed to in our childhood. This could be through our parents’ beliefs, former leaders’ beliefs, cherished teachers, etc… Of these beliefs, religious beliefs preserve their dominance and influence of our behaviors and attitudes towards our own selves and towards others. It turned out from being a guide to a better life, to be a method to divide nations and achieve leadership and control over people. Generally this is how men of religion climb the ladder of political authority.

Dividing people of one nation makes them weaker under the regime ruling them. It is totally on their side. Regardless the mess that may happen every now and then, as long as they are maintaining the status quo.

That division starts in school days. Imagine this scenario; you are with your class mates, attending classes, playing, having fun, bla bla bla… Then comes a class that you need to separate, Christians and Muslims will part. Each will go to a different religion class. At this moment both of you had that awkward feeling of difference. Then what? Then each group will be asking about the other; why couldn’t we take the class together? Why aren’t they with us? Here comes the tutor’s role in deforming and distorting the good image both groups have about each other. And each day builds a feeling of difference and will evolve to discrimination. Because religion - unlike other races - is dealt with differently, specially when used to dominate others.

After years pass when such kids become world leaders, they will impose their views that have been built through the days they spent at school, university, daily activities, etc… Then it is no wonder why today we have that tense atmosphere of religious fanatism and abusage of religious authority and dominance. Instead of appreciating diversity of our society.

Religion, if it is a guide to spiritual relation with GOD, as claimed by many, it shall be privately performed. And who is aiming to be more aware and knowledgeable shall go to the right institution that provides this type of learning. In this case it is Church or Mosque. On the other hand if you are aiming to use religious teachings to influence behaviors of kids/ students, better to teach them ETHICS, that most religious people lack in the first place, regardless the belief system they follow. Having a general class of ethics and etiquette at school will boost the students’ moral, rather than divide the class mates into categories among themselves. This will build a rigid generation society can rely on.

I will be happy to receive your comments below.
